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  • Our product range: PNOZelog | PT.FELCRO INDONESIA

Our Product Range: PNOZelog | PT.FELCRO INDONESIA

Update Terakhir
26 / 02 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Biji


Kami adalah distributor terkemuka di Indonesia untuk produk-produk mekanikal, elektrikal, elektronik dan kontrol yang di suplai ke industri di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Jika anda membutuhkan barang tersebut silahkan segera hubungi kami untuk segera kami bantu dengan senang hati.

Detail Our Product Range: PNOZelog | PT.FELCRO INDONESIA

Monitor two safety functions simultaneously with just a single unit. That reduces the space requirement in the control cabinet.

Take advantage of the extensive diagnostic options of the safety relay PNOZelog. That way you can reduce machine downtimes and rectify potential error sources immediately. Detailed information about the products' system status will help you:

  • LED indicators enable the simplest possible on-site diagnostics, without additional tools
  • Diagnostic output to the PLC: The most common PLC systems can be adapted for diagnostics using drivers. Both internal and external faults are detected, such as shorts across contacts or wiring errors.
  • Use of multiple linked PNOZelog devices: Only one PLC input is required. The device status plus faults in the input and output circuit are detected and signalled to the PLC system.
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